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Safe environment for a better quality living standard among vulnerable children




Developing structures and formulating policies, that is sustainable to establish effective and efficient methods of reintegrating street children, empowering child-headed households and supporting vulnerable youths  to identify and maximize their potentials to become responsible citizens.


Strategic Objectives

  • Spiritual growth {Discipleship/Evangelism} - sharing the love and the good news of God to the heartbroken children and youths.

  • Provision of Education via Scholastic support and sponsorship intervention.

  • Building resilience and strengthen community structures for the care and support of the vulnerable children and youth, reintegration of street kids to respective families where need be with hope of decongesting cities.

  • Provide and equip child and youth caregivers with skills on micro finance/savings and loaning at group and individual level for small business management to increase household economic standard.

  • Identifying, nurturing and sharpening talents and gifts through mentorship programs and overseas learning exchange programs




Bethel Child to Child Missions is a charity organization
that is involved in interventions and policy initiatives that engage vulnerable children and youths to improve their living standard.

The Organization is involved in the facilitation and formation of initiatives targeting Child-headed Households, Orphans and Vulnerable Children within neighboring communities. The Mission is committed to affiliate with several major international organizations, national and local groups with extensive experience in working with vulnerable groups like children and youths with the aim of in-putting Christian values in their lives to ensure safe foundation of a godly living and meeting their basic needs within the presence of God.


The Mission is a major factor in preparing orphaned youth to become caregivers of their families by one, accepting Jesus as their Savior after sharing the word of God, and two assessing quality education through scholastic support.  Experience has shown that community-based responses that enable this youth population to undertake the responsibility of caring for their siblings are the best and most sustainable alternatives as opposed to institutional care. The program builds and strengthens existing capacities of families and communities to go a long way in overcoming the challenges that the families face. In addition to this, children have a lot of untapped potential, knowledge, capacity and the will to drive their destiny, if given the opportunity and the space to develop and enrich their potential.  Therefore, youth caregivers by participating in this program are empowered to take charge of their education well being, have a stable family and participate in the social and economic development of their communities.


The Mission noticed the need to venture further to enhance education among the vulnerable youths and children through both scholastic support and sponsorship initiatives   

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Call us:


Ngomongo Slums, Ruaraka Sub County,. Nairobi. KENYA.

© 2023 Bethel Child to Child Missions-KENYA

Freed to Serve and win souls to Christ

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