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Scholastic and Sponsorship


Today, the situation of orphans and vulnerable children -- including abused, extremely impoverished and street children, has reached crisis proportions. The needs are pressurizing the capacity of individuals, families, caregivers, and government to stretch limited resources to meet ever increasing demands.  a good number of vulnerable but bright children can not access quality education and even those who strive through tough environment to secure good academic score can not proceed due to lack school fees thus the need for scholastic support and sponsorship interventions while the program trust God to secure land and build school to offer free education to these needy children.


Promotion of Community-based Responses


Intuitional care is not a sustainable community-based solution to the growing number of orphans and vulnerable children.  Program activities should build upon existing capacities of families and communities, and thus contribute to the strengthening of these capacities, not the creation of artificial structures or donor dependent distributions. Program activities should educate, mobilize, and capacitate extended families and communities in the protection and empowerment of orphans and vulnerable children.

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Children’s Basic Needs and Rights Advocacy


We are committed  to a secure a safe home, land for school, sponsorship and scholastic support like uniforms and books, school feeding programs.


Families and communities should be facilitated in identifying these needs, as well as creating their own action plans to overcome them. 


Additionally, they should be facilitated in conducting their own education and advocacy activities at the community and national levels, thus promoting a greater awareness of and respect for the protection of their children rights.


The Great Commission

 {The message of the time}


The key of to spiritual breakthrough is in the spiritual timing of knowing what TIME it is... Being in step with God, not behind neither ahead of Him. Walking with God lies in hearkening to His voice and obeying that which He says. We are committed to inculcate that lifestyle of responding to Gods call for restoration to prepare the church for the rapture and secure them a place in eternity. In that respect we anticipate to establish a strong and dedicated army of disciples who shall focus on nothing else but the cross of Calvary.


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Ngomongo Slums, Ruaraka Sub County,. Nairobi. KENYA.

© 2023 Bethel Child to Child Missions-KENYA

Freed to Serve and win souls to Christ

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